Concession & Food Trailers for Sale

Food trailers allow gurus, masters and even intrepid neophytes of the culinary arts to sell tasty creations to hungry crowds wherever they happen to gather. Food specialists have the freedom to sell whatever type of fare whenever they want. The independence of a kitchen on wheels has led many gifted chefs to find great success by striking out on their own.

You can own and operate the trailer, or own the trailer and hire people to operate it. Either way, you’ll revel in your monetary gains.

A food trailer is towed behind another vehicle. This arrangement lets you enjoy the freedom of being able to detach the trailer for easy storage and freely drive the vehicle that tows it. You’re afforded the unencumbered use of your vehicle.

Trailers, which are built by superior-quality companies such as Anvil Trailer and Rock Solid Cargo, are built to last a lifetime. They offer business owners an excellent return on their investments. Though our patrons adore the variety of choices from our huge inventory of trailers, we’re also happy to work with them to produce a completely customized setup.

Food trailers sometimes need electrical upgrades, lights, stabilizer jacks and other equipment to support the kitchen’s operations. Renown offers practically endless combinations of custom options that meet your needs. Our sales staff will gather your set-up’s unique requirements and assemble the perfect package.

Get a Concession Trailer Quote

Customize your food / concession trailer today or drive of our lot with a fully equiped model. The chose is yours! We believe in treating our customers like family and will happily walk you though the routinely designed trailer as well as the custom builds! Contact us today for a quote.

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The trailer’s size should depend on the scale of your business intents. For example, Renown recently helped a client launch a mobile shaved-ice concession trailer and suggested the venerable 8.5 x 18 tandem axle. This medium-sized trailer has all the space that a concession trailer needs but is still small enough to easily transport and set up and dismantle.

Mobile kitchens often require heavy gear to serve people the delicacies they crave. Ovens, refrigerators, water tanks and prep counters can add many pounds to the trailer. Think about the trailer’s payload in terms of the weight it can carry safely. Also, take into account all of the gear you’ll have to tote back and forth within the space.

Which cuisine will you serve? The kind of food will determine a lot when planning the cooking, storage and cooling equipment your trailer will need. Also think through which mealtime you’ll serve: breakfast, lunch or dinner—or two or all three. More mealtimes mean the need for a lot of space for cooking, heating, cooling and storage.

The heavier the trailer and its contents, the more powerful a vehicle you’ll need to tow it. Will you be pulling the trailer with a car? An SUV? A pickup? And how much gas will your tower vehicle need and cost?

Where will you store the trailer when it’s not in use? Will you need to rent a storage area? Will the space always be accessible?

The experts at Renown will gather all of your wants and needs and then recommend which trailer model(s) will suit you best.

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